DEBIAN Multi Media

1.3gpwiz3gp movie wizard
2.aacgainLossless mp4 normalizer with statistical analysis
3.aacplusencHigh-Efficency AAC (AAC+) Encoder
4.acidripripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder
5.acroread-debian-filesDebian specific parts of Adobe Acrobat Reader
6.acroread-fonts-jpnJapanese fonts for Adobe acrobat reader
7.advancemenuA front-end to run the Advance*, MAME, MESS, etc. emulators
8.aftenaudio AC3 encoder
9.amrnbfloating-point Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech codec
10.amrwbAdaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec
11.anyevent-perldummy package to install libanyevent-perl
12.autopano-siftautomatically create control points for panorama image
13.autopano-sift-cAutomatically create control points for panorama image
14.avidemuxa free video editor - gtk version
15.avidemux-clia free video editor - command line version
16.avidemux-commona free video editor - Internationalization files
17.avidemux-qta free video editor - qt version
18.bemused-mpccontrol mpd from your phone using bluetooth
19.chaplinDVD chapter extractor
20.cinelerraAn audio/video authoring tool
21.cinelerra-dataAn audio/video authoring tool
22.cinelerra-docAn audio/video authoring tool - Documentation
23.clitDecompiler for Microsoft's .lit ebook format
24.cutmp3a small and fast command line MP3 editor
25.darkice-fullLive audio streamer
26.debian-multimedia-keyringGnuPG archive key of the debian-multimedia repository
27.devedeprogram to create video DVDs
28.diraca video codec - binaries
29.dirac-doca video codec - documentation
30.dv2subextracts the date and time from dv video and write a subtitle file
31.dvbcutQt application for cutting parts out of DVB streams
32.dvd-slideshowtools to create dvd slideshow with menus
33.dvdauthorwizardKDE DVD Authoring Wizard
34.dvdripperl front end for transcode and ffmpeg
35.dvdrip-docDocumentation for dvd::rip
36.dvdrip-queuequeue up dvd::rip projects
37.dvdstylera crossplatform DVD Authoring System
38.dvdstyler-dataa crossplatform DVD Authoring System
39.dvdwizardfully automated creation of a DVD-structure
40.easytag-aacviewing, editing and writing ID3 tags - package with mp4 support
41.faacan AAC audio encoder
42.ffmpegaudio/video encoder, streaming server & audio/video file converter
43.ffprobemultimedia streams analyzer
44.freeme2strips wm-drm protection from wmv/asf/wma files
45.gmerlina multiformat media player
46.gmerlin-dataa multiformat media player
47.gmerlin-doca multiformat media player
48.gpacmultimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard
49.gstreamer0.10-lameGStreamer lame plugins
50.gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-badGStreamer plugins from the "bad" set
51.gtk2-ex-formfactory-perlMakes building complex GUI's easy
52.gtkpod-aacmanage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod
53.h264encscript to encode video or DVD in H.264/AVC/MPEG-4 Part 10
54.handbrake-cliversatile DVD ripper and video transcoder - command line
55.handbrake-gtkversatile DVD ripper and video transcoder - GTK GUI
56.k9copycopy DVD like dvdshrink
57.kdenliveA Non-Linear Video Editing Suite for KDE
58.kino-brightness-contrast-pluginbrightness and contrast Kino plugin
59.kino-hsv-color-space-pluginHSV Color Space Kino plugin
60.kmenc15An advanced Qt/KDE MEncoder frontend
61.kplayerA KDE media player based on MPlayer
62.kplayer-docDocumentation for kplayer
63.ksubtitleripperGUI for KDE to rip DVD subtitles
64.lameLAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
65.libaacplus-dbgAAC+ encoding library - debugging symbols
66.libaacplus-devAAC+ encoding library - development files
67.libaacplus1AAC+ encoding library - runtime files
68.libaften-devaudio AC3 encoder - development files
69.libaften0audio AC3 encoder - runtime files
70.libamrnb-devfloating-point Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech codec
71.libamrnb3floating-point Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech codec
72.libamrwb-devAdaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec
73.libamrwb3Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec
74.libanyevent-perlprovide framework for multiple event loops
75.libapache2-mod-musicindex-aacBrowse, stream, download and search through MP3/Ogg/FLAC files
76.libavcodec-devlibrary to encode decode multimedia streams - devel files
77.libavcodec51library to encode decode multimedia streams - runtime files
78.libavdevice-devdevelopment files for libavdevice
79.libavdevice52ffmpeg device handling library
80.libavfilter-deva graphics library;
81.libavfilter0a graphics library;
82.libavformat-devdevelopment files for libavformat
83.libavformat52ffmpeg file format library
84.libavutil-devavutil devel files
85.libavutil49avutil shared libraries
86.libdca-deva free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
87.libdca0a free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
88.libdirac-deva video codec - runtime library
89.libdirac0a video codec - development files
90.libdvd-devextract video and audio tracks - devel files
91.libdvd0extract video and audio tracks - runtime files
92.libdvdcss-devSimple foundation for reading DVDs - devel files
93.libdvdcss2Simple foundation for reading DVDs - runtime libraries
94.libevent-execflow-perlHigh level API for event-based execution flow control
95.libfaac-devan AAC audio encoder - devel files
96.libfaac0an AAC audio encoder - library files
97.libfame-0.9A video encoding library - runtime files
98.libfame-devA video encoding library - devel files
99.libgmerlin-avdec-deva general multimedia decoding library
100.libgmerlin-avdec-doca general multimedia decoding library
101.libgmerlin-avdec0a general multimedia decoding library
102.libgmerlin-devcore library for gmerlin - development files
103.libgmerlin-doccore library for gmerlin - documentation files
104.libgmerlin0core library for gmerlin - runtime files
105.libgpac-devmultimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard
106.libgpac0.4.5multimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard
107.libgpod-commoncommon files for libgpod
108.libgpod-devdevelopment files for libgpod
109.libgpod-docdocumentation for libgpod
110.libgpod-nogtk-devdevelopment files for libgpod (version without artwork support)
111.libgpod4library to read and write songs and artwork to an iPod
112.libgpod4-nogtklibrary to read and write songs to an iPod
113.libmac-devmonkey's audio lossless audio codec - devel
114.libmac2monkey's audio lossless audio codec - library
115.libmjpegtools-devMJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
116.libmjpegtools0MJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
117.libmkv-devAn alternitave to the official libmatroska/libebml libraries
118.libmkv0An alternitave to the official libmatroska/libebml libraries
119.libmlt++-devAn open source multimedia framework (C++ wrapper)
120.libmlt++1An open source multimedia framework (C++ wrapper)
121.libmlt-dataAn open source multimedia framework - binaries files
122.libmlt-devAn open source multimedia framework - Development files
123.libmlt1An open source multimedia framework - Core files
124.libmozillainterfaces-javaXPCOM bindings for Java
125.libmozjs-devDevelopment files for the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript library
126.libmozjs0dThe Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript library
127.libmp3lame-devLAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
128.libmp3lame0LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
129.libmp4v2-0freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - runtime files
130.libmpeg3hvadvanced editing and manipulation of MPEG streams (cinelerra's internal)
131.libmpeg3hv-devadvanced editing and manipulation of MPEG streams (development files)
132.libmpeg4ip-0end-to-end system to explore streaming multimedia
133.libmpeg4ip-devend-to-end system to explore streaming multimedia
134.libmpeg4ip-docdummy package to install mpeg4ip-doc
135.libmyth-0.23.1-0Common library code for MythTV and add-on modules (runtime)
136.libmyth-devCommon library code for MythTV and add-on modules (development)
137.libmythtv-perlA personal video recorder application (common data)
138.libogmrip-devApplication for ripping and encoding DVD - development files
139.libogmrip0Application for ripping and encoding DVD - libraries files
140.libpostproc-devpostproc devel files
141.libpostproc51postproc shared libraries
142.libquicktime-devlibrary for reading and writing Quicktime files (development)
143.libquicktime1library for reading and writing Quicktime files
144.libquicktimehvQuicktime 4 Linux Cinelerra internal library
145.libquicktimehv-devQuicktime 4 Linux (Cinelerra internal) library (development files)
146.libswscale-devdevelopment files for libswscale
147.libswscale0ffmpeg video scaling library
148.libtxc-dxtn-devDevelopment files for S3 Texture Compression (S3TC) library
149.libtxc-dxtn0S3 Texture Compression (S3TC) library
150.libvdpau-devVideo Decode and Presentation API for Unix (development files)
151.libvdpau-docVideo Decode and Presentation API for Unix (documentation)
152.libvdpau1Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (libraries)
153.libvstream-devtivo video stream static library
154.libwxsvg-devC++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files
155.libwxsvg0C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files
156.libx264-60x264 video coding library
157.libx264-65x264 video coding library
158.libx264-devdevelopment files for libx264
159.libxul-commonGecko engine library - common files
160.libxul-devDevelopment files for the Gecko engine library
161.libxul0dGecko engine library
162.libxvidcore4High quality ISO MPEG4 codec library
163.libxvidcore4-devHigh quality ISO MPEG4 codec library -- development files
164.lxdvdripa command line tool to make a copy from a video DVD for private use
165.lxsplitHJSplit for Linux
166.mandvdVideo DVD creator
167.mencoderMPlayer's Movie Encoder
168.mjpegtoolsMJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
169.mltAn open source multimedia framework - binaries files
170.monkeys-audiomonkey's audio lossless audio codec - binary
171.mp3diagsfinds problems in MP3 files and helps the user fix many of them
172.mp4toolsSuite of scripts to encode Audio and Video in many formats
173.mpeg4ip-docend-to-end system to explore streaming multimedia - documentation
174.mpeg4ip-utilsend-to-end system to explore streaming multimedia
175.mpglenscan through a MPEG file and count the number of GOPs and frames
176.mplayerThe Ultimate Movie Player For Linux
177.mplayer-docDocumentation for mplayer
178.mplayer-noguiThe Ultimate Movie Player For Linux
179.mytharchiveCreate and burn DVD's from MythTV - binary file
180.mytharchive-dataCreate and burn DVD's from MythTV - data files
181.mythbrowserA small web browser module for MythTV
182.mythgalleryImage gallery/slideshow add-on module for MythTV
183.mythgameEmulator & PC Game frontend module for MythTV
184.mythmoviesShow times and cinema listings based on Zip/Post code
185.mythmusicMusic add-on module for MythTV
186.mythnetvisionPlugin for watching internet content
187.mythnetvision-dataPlugin for watching internet content
188.mythnewsAn RSS feed news reader module for MythTV
189.mythpluginsWrapper package for MythTV plugins
190.mythstreamMythTv plugin that plays Internet audio and video streams
191.mythtvA personal video recorder application (client and server)
192.mythtv-backendA personal video recorder application (server)
193.mythtv-commonA personal video recorder application (common data)
194.mythtv-databaseA personal video recorder application (database)
195.mythtv-docA personal video recorder application (documentation)
196.mythtv-frontendA personal video recorder application (client)
197.mythtv-perlDummy package to install libmythtv-perl
198.mythtv-themesAdditional themes for MythTV
199.mythvideoA generic video player frontend module for MythTV
200.mythweatherWeather add-on module for MythTV
201.mythwebAn integrated web browser plugin for your MythTV system
202.mythzoneminderA system for monitoring cctv cameras
203.nuvexportscript that interfaces with MythTV to export your recordings
204.ogmripApplication for ripping and encoding DVD
205.ogmrip-ac3AC3 support for ogmrip
206.ogmrip-docApplication for ripping and encoding DVD - Documentation files
207.ogmrip-mpegMpeg-1 and Mpeg-2 support for ogmrip
208.ogmrip-video-copyogmrip plugin to extract DVD track
209.pgmfindclipautomatically find a clipping border for a sequence of pgm images
210.python-gpodPython bindings for libgpod
211.python-mythtvA personal video recorder application (common data)
212.python-xpcomXPCOM bindings for Python
213.qdvdauthorGUI frontend for dvdauthor and other related tools
214.quicktime-utilslibrary for reading and writing Quicktime files (utilities)
215.quicktime-x11utilslibrary for reading and writing Quicktime files (x11 utilities)
216.qvampsgraphical user interface for Vamps
217.rar-2.80Archiver for .rar files
218.ripmakeAn automatic command line ripping makefile generator for transcode
219.rtmpdumpa tool to download rtmp:// and rtmpe:// streams
220.shrinktaDVD backup tool
221.spidermonkey-binstandalone JavaScript/ECMAScript (ECMA-262) interpreter
222.submux-dvdsubtitle multiplexer, muxes subtitles into .vob
223.subtitleripperDVD Subtitle Ripper for Linux
224.transcodeUtility to encode raw video/audio streams
225.transcode-docDocumentation for transcode
226.v4l2ucpA universal control panel for v4l2 devices
227.videoporamaapplication to make video of image slideshow
228.videotransDVD authoring utilities
229.x264video encoder for the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard
230.xcfaX Convert File Audio
231.xdvdshrinkcopies of DVD content on single-layer writable DVDs
232.xulrunnerXUL + XPCOM application runner
233.xulrunner-gnome-supportSupport for GNOME in xulrunner applications
234.xvattrUtility to change Xv attributes
235.xvid4confcreates XviD configuration files
236.xvidcapScreen video capture for X
237.y4mscalera video scaler
238.zoneminderLinux video camera security and surveillance solution

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